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Pink n' Blue Posie-retractable, badge, reel, id, holder, credentials, flower, posie, blue, green, brown, beads, badge reel, id reel, id holder, credential holder, fun badge reel, fun id reel, beaded badge reel, beaded id reel, beaded credentials holder, flower credenital holder, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, nurse badge reel, teacher badge reel, office badge reel, badge reel gifts, id reel gifts, bottlecap badge reels
Pink n' Blue Posie
White with Black Damask-retractable, badge, reel, id, holder, damask, black, white, beads, flower, rhinestones, bling beads, silver, findings, dimensional, fun, unique, gift, nurse, office, school, teacher, hospital, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, dimensional badge reel, damask badge reel, beaded badge reel, fun badge reels, unique badge reels, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, office badge reels, unique id reels, unique id holders, victorian badge reel, shabby chic badge reel
White with Black Damask
Tiny Bubbles-retractable, badge, reel, id, reel, credentials, holder, teacher, office, school, nurse, hospital, pink, black, silver, beads, flower, fun, unique, original, retractable id reel, retractable badge reel, fun badge reel, fun id reel, unique badge reel, unique id reel, unique gift, office gift, nurse gift, teacher gift, beaded badge reels, dimensional badge reels
Tiny Bubbles
Pink and Purple Posie-retractable, posie, flower, unique, fun, charming, badge, reel, id, badge reel, id reel, badge pull, id pull, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable badge pull, flower badge reel, posie badge reel, unique badge reel, fun badge reel, nurse badge reel, teacher badge reel, office badge reel, unique gift, fun gift
Pink and Purple Posie
White with Pink Damask-retractable, badge, id, holder, reel, pull, classic, shabby chic, unique, designer, damask, pink, beaded, retractable badges, retractable ids, retractable pulls, retractable badge reels, retractable id reels, retractable badge pulls, fun badge reels, unique badge reels, damask badge reels, designer badge reels, beaded badge reels, nurse badge reels, office badge reels, teacher badge reels, gifts, nurse gifts, teacher gifts, office gift, beaded gifts, specialty gifts
White with Pink Damask
Pretty Paisley-retractable, badge, id, reel, paisley, designer, unique, fun, fashion, blue, green, badge reel, id reels, id pulls, badge holder, id holder, id pull, retractable badge reels, retractable id reels, retractable badge pulls, retractable id pulls, unique badge reels, fun badge reels, designer badge reels, paisley badge reels, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, classic badge reels, office badge reels, beaded badge reels
Pretty Paisley
A Passion for Purple-retractable, id, reel, badge, holder, credentials, badge pull, badge reel, badge holder, id pull, id reels, id holders, retractable badge reels, retractable id reels, retractable badge pulls, retractable id pulls, designer badge reels, fun badge reels, classy badge reels, unique badge reels, paisley badge reels, purple badge reels, beaded badge reels, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, office badge reels, designer id reels, id reel gifts, badge reels gifts
A Passion for Purple
Chocolate Brown with Flower Sprinkles-retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, badge reels, id reels, id pulls, badge holders, beaded badge reels, fun badge reel, flower badge reels, badge reel gifts, unique badge reels, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, educational gift, educational badge reels, office badge reels, conference badge reels, designer badge reels
Chocolate Brown with Flower Sprinkles
Pink and Green Paisley-retractable, badge reel, id reel, id holder, badge holder, badge pull, id pull, paisley, unique, fun, colorful, beads, handmade, 3-dimensional, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable badge pull, id badge reel, unique badge reels, designer badge reels, fun badge reels, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, office badge reels, fun badge reels, medical badge reels,
Pink and Green Paisley
Brite Green with Hot Pink Hoot Owl-retractable, badge, reel, id, owl, nurse, medical, doctor, office, teacher, gift, beads, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id pull, retractable id holder, owl badge reel, owl id reel, owl id pull, nurse gift, teacher gift, office worker, office id pull, unique badge reels, fun badge reels
Brite Green with Hot Pink Hoot Owl
Big Eyed Hoot Owl on Blue-retractable, badge, id, owl, beads, bottlecap, reel, badge reel, id reel, badge holder, id holder, id badge reel, badge reel lanyard, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, owl badge reel, beaded badge reel, teacher gift, nurse gift, office gift, unique badge reel, fun badge reels
Big Eyed Hoot Owl on Blue
Lovin' That Lavender-retractable, badge, reel, id, flower, lavender, beads, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, id badge reel, badge reels, badge reel lanyard, flower badge reel, beaded badge reel, designer badge reel, unique badge reel, fun badge reel, badge reel gifts, handcrafted badge reels, made in the USA, nurse badge reel, office badge reel, teacher badge reel
Lovin' That Lavender
Love Me Some Ladybugs-retractable, badge, reel, id, holder, ladybug, beads, badge reel, id reel, id badge reel, ladybug badge reel, fun badge reel, unique badge reel, badge reel lanyard, badge reel gifts, badge holder, nurse badge reel, office badge reel, teacher badge reel, fun badge reel, unique badge reels
Love Me Some Ladybugs
Pink Moo Cow-retractable, badge, reel, id, holder, lanyard, nurse, teacher, office, staff, gift, fun, unique, cow, beads, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, pink cow id badge reel, beaded badge id reel lanyard, fun id reel, fun badge reels, unique badge reels, badge reel lanyard, badge reel id lanyard gifts, nurse gifts, teacher gifts, happy gifts, stocking stuffers, friendship gift
Pink Moo Cow
A Passion for Peacocks-retractable, badge, reel, id, peacock, flower, rhinestone, ebroidered, purple, green, classic, classy, soft, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id clip, badge reel lanyard, peacock badge reel, peacock id pull, unique badge reels, designer badge reels, fun id reels, cute badge pulls, nurse gift, teacher gift, office gift, badge reel gifts
A Passion for Peacocks
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