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Personalized Black/Pink Monogram-Snappy,monogrammed,badge,reel,initial pizzazz,uniform,id badge,black,slide on clip,personalized, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, badgereel, cute badge reel, fun badge reel, retractable badgereel, Cute Badge Reel, Monogrammed Badge Reel, Personalized Badge Reel, medical, teacher, hospital, school, nurse
Personalized Black/Pink Monogram
Breast Cancer Awareness-breast,cancer,awareness,badge reel,id tag,retractable badge reel,nurse,teacher,health care worker,gift,silver,fun
Breast Cancer Awareness
PAIR of BFF Necklaces-BFF,necklace,bottlecap,ball,chain,silver,swarovski,crystals,pearls,white,lucite,flowers,ribbon,pink,acrylic,beads
PAIR of BFF Necklaces
Personalized Polka Dot Pop-Pop,polka dot,badge reel,badge id,retractable reel,slide clip,pinch clip,purple,pink,bling,flower,sunshine,greatgift,gift,nurse,hospital,healthcare,teacher,initial,monogram
Personalized Polka Dot Pop
Lifesaving Diva-Lifesaving Diva,scrubs,retractable badge reel,bling,fun,id reel,nurse,healthcare worker,teacher,great gift
Lifesaving Diva
Be Kind to Animals-Be kind to dogs,pets,reels,badge,retractable,bling,pawprint,heart,gift,nurse,healthcare worker,teacher,love,fun,id tag,id reel,badge reel
Be Kind to Animals
RN Flower-RN,flower,badgereel,idreel,pink,purple,yellow,bling,clip on,slide on,nurse,teacher,gift,healthcare worker
RN Flower
Nurse-Nurse,badgereel,slide on, retractable, butterfly,bling,black,reel,cute,gift,idreel,teacher,gift,healthcare worker, retractable badge reel, retractable badgereel, id reel, retractable idreel
Be Kind to Animals II-Be Kind Animals,puppy,pawprint,dog,green,badgereel,nurse,gift,cute,adorable,teacher,healthcare worker,black
Be Kind to Animals II
Animal Lover-Animal lover,badgereel,idreel,medical,dog,red,puppy,retractable,gift,nurse,healthcareworker,teacher,pets,love,cute,precious,gift
Animal Lover
Love,Hope,Courage-Love,Hope,Courage,clear,breast cancer awareness,cancer,awareness,pink,green,retractable badgereel,idreel,nurse,healthcare worker,teacher,gift,ribbon
Love and Hope Awareness Ribbon-Black,pink,breast cancer,ribbon,hope,love,badgereel,idreel,nurse,healthcareworker,teacher,bling,pink,crystal,gift,retractable
Love and Hope Awareness Ribbon
Nurses Call the Shots-Nurses,call,shots,retractable,badgereel,idreel,teacher,gift,yellow,male,female
Nurses Call the Shots
Super RN with Heart-Super,RN,badgereel,medical,nurse,teacher,red,retractable,blue,gold,idbadge,gift,crecentials
Super RN with Heart
Pink & Brown Butterfly Initials-pink,brown,butterfly,retractable badge,id badge,bling,flower,choice,slide-on,clip-on cute,gift,nurse,teacher,medical
Pink & Brown Butterfly Initials
Think Green-Clean,green,think,think green,tree,yellow,planet,badgereel,idreel,nurse,teacher,gift,cute,adorable,statement.
Think Green
Superman RN-Superman,badgereel,idreel,RN,nurse,red,blue,yellow,gift,medical,classic,male,hero,teacher,healthcare,doctor
Superman RN
Nurses Rock-Nurses Rock,nurse,pink,green,lavender,bling,flower,fun,badgereel,idbadge,retractable,clip-on,slide-on,nurse,doctor,teacher,healthcare,gift
Nurses Rock
Sisters for the Cure-Sisters,cure,breastcancer,cancer,breast,pink,nurse,badgereel,badgeid,medical,retractable,gift,badge,hospital,pink,doctor,teacher,healthcare
Sisters for the Cure
PAIR of Polka-Dot BFF Necklaces-BFF, chain, necklace,ball,ribbon,pink,silver,sworvski,crystals,rhinestones,gift,beads,balls,bling,best friend,friend,girl,bottlecap,charm,water resistant
PAIR of Polka-Dot BFF Necklaces
Sock Monkey-Sock monkey, bottlecap,necklace,pink,bling,rhinestone,gift,ball chain, swarovski, bead,bling,
Sock Monkey
PAIR of BFF Heart Necklaces-BFF, heart,necklace,silver,purple,bling,swarovski,crystals,rhinestones, pearls,acrylic beads, gift, pink ribbon, purple ribbon, ballchain, gift, girlfriend
PAIR of BFF Heart Necklaces
Little Lambkin-Lamb,bottlecap necklace,necklace,ballchain,pink ribbon,bling,lucite flower,acrylic beads,beads,gift,pearl,crystal,swarovski,rhinestone,cute
Little Lambkin
PAIR of Pink/Green BFF Heart Necklaces-BFF Heart Necklace,pair,silver,lime green, pink, ribbon,ball chain, swarovski crystals, pearl, acrylic, beads, lucite flower, fun, gift,bling,best friend gift, friend, charm, pendant
PAIR of Pink/Green BFF Heart Necklaces
Nurse with Heart-Nurse, Heart, badgereel, idreel, hospital,doctor,teacher,healthcare worker, bling, rhinestone, shimmery heart,gift,smile,slide on clp
Nurse with Heart
Nurses Rule-Nurses,Rule,nurse,badgereel,red,retractable,nurse,healthcare worker,doctor,hospital,gift,bling
Nurses Rule
One Fabulous Nurse-Retractable, badgereel, idreel, nurse,red,fabulous,shimmer,credentials,gift,seal,clip,slide-on,gift
One Fabulous Nurse
Love a Nurse-Love,nurse,red,gift,badgereel,idreel,retractable,cute,pendant,charm,special,elegant,gift,fun,crystal,slide on,clip,special
Love a Nurse
Personalized Cupcake Pendant - Great Party Favors-Personalized, cupcake, necklace, party, bottlecap, girl, ballchain, ribbon,name, party, six, special, gift, party favor,
Personalized Cupcake Pendant - Great Party Favors
Personalized Cupcake Necklace II - Great Party Favors-Personalized, cupcake necklace, necklace, silver, ballchain, gift, polka dot, solid, bottlecap, party, favor, birthday, girl, special day, guests, sealer, sparkle, bling, glitter
Personalized Cupcake Necklace II - Great Party Favors
Autism Awareness Hands Around the World-Autism awareness, awareness, autism, support, research, pendant, necklace, colorful, ribbon, puzzlepiece, silver, ballchain, green,
Autism Awareness Hands Around the World
I Love to Dance-Dance, Love, pendant, necklance, silver, ballchain, ribbon, crystal, rhinestone, bling, acrylic, bead, beads, passion, jewelry, gift, lucite, flower
I Love to Dance
Personalized Zebra Stripe and Lime Green-Personalized, zebra, lime green, necklace,bottlecap, ribbon, ballchain, swarovski crystals, bling, acrylic lucite flower, dangles, pearl, gift, fun
Personalized Zebra Stripe and Lime Green
Autism Awareness II-Autism awareness, awareness, research, pendant, necklace, green, yellow, ballchain, ribbon, gift, silver, ballchain,support
Autism Awareness II
Personalized Cupcake-Personalized cupcake necklace, necklace, silver, ballchain, pink, bling,rhinestone,gift, fun, sweet, cute, swarovski, crystal, acrylic pearl, lucite flower
Personalized Cupcake
Teacher with Heart-Teacher, heart, necklace, red, pink, beads, bling, silver, pink, acrylic, lucite, flower, charm, pendant, ballchain, ribbon
Teacher with Heart
Inspire-Inspire, red, green, apple, teacher, pendant, necklace, silver, ballchain, ribbon, bling, bead, lucite, flower, acrylic, gift, special, swarovski, crystal, pearl
Soccer Ball with Shoes-Soccer, ball, cleats, shoes, crystal, bling, acrylic, silver, ribbon, ballchain, gift, play charms, pendant, fun
Soccer Ball with Shoes
Soccer Chick-Soccer, chick, necklace, bottlecap, ballchain, silver, pink, ribbon, white, ribbon, gift, bling, swarovski, crystal, beads
Soccer Chick
Hello Kitty Ballet-Hello Kitty, ballet, necklace, bottlecap, beads, bling, pink, acrylic, silver, ballchain, ribbon, tutu, girl, special, gift, swarovski, crystal, pearl
Hello Kitty Ballet
Summer Fun-Summerfun  silver ballchain necklace orange seashore summer fish crab blue bottlecap pendant bling swarovski crystal beads silver gift ribbon
Summer Fun
Ballet Pointe Shoes-ballet pointeshoes slippers pink bling swarovskicrystal gift birthday crystal blingball pearl flower lucite tiny silverballchain silver ballchain pink ribbon necklace bottlecap
Ballet Pointe Shoes
1 Teacher Badge Reel-retractable badge reel, badge reel, idreel,  teacher, red, charm, class, gift, conference,
1 Teacher Badge Reel
Personalized Pink or Purple Cupcake-personalized pink necklace cupcake bottlecap beads bling sworavski crystals ribbon ballchain silver gift love girl purple pink cupcake pearl luciteflower
Personalized Pink or Purple Cupcake
Classic RN-RN badgereel idreel credentials gift white blue medical classic gift conference convention nurse bling
Classic RN
Curly Swirly Initials-Curly swirley badge reel personalized, black, pink, flower, bling, rhinestone, gift, nurse, teacher, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, fun badge reel, cute badge reel,  medical conference, credentials
Curly Swirly Initials
Princess Crowns with Silver Charm-Princess crowns silver charm bling rhinestone crystal sworavski flower swirl pearl bead beads gift girl fun necklace bottlecap
Princess Crowns with Silver Charm
Love & Hope Pink Ribbon in Black-necklace, gift, awareness, breast cancer, pink, black, silver, ballchain, bottlecap, hot pink, support, breast cancer awareness necklace
Love & Hope Pink Ribbon in Black
$6.00 - $9.00
Spring Tulip Necklace and Pin Combo-spring, tulips, pink, necklace, ribbon, ballchain, pin, swarovski crystals, acrylic swirl beads, lucite flowers, bead bundles, beads, gifts, Mother's Day, Easter, bottlecap necklace, bottlecap, silver, green, tulips, tulip bottlecap necklace, necklace and pin combo
Spring Tulip Necklace and Pin Combo
Spring Tulip Necklace-spring, tulips, necklace, gift, silver, lime green, hot pink, pink, bottlecap, swarovski crystal, acrylic pearl, lucite, gift, mother, sister, friend silver ballchain necklace, bottlecap necklace, spring necklace, tulip necklace
Spring Tulip Necklace
Hello Kitty Party Favors 6-pack-Hello Kitty, necklace, silver, ballchain, gift, bling, crystal, birthday, gift, bottlecap necklace, Hello Kitty necklace, silver ballchain necklace
Hello Kitty Party Favors 6-pack
Imagine Pin-pin, brooch, broach, imagine, gift, swarovski crystal, crystal, lucite, flower, beads, jewelry
Imagine Pin
Little Bluebird Pin-pin, brooch, broack, gift, Spring, bird, bluebird, jewelry, silver, crystal rhinestone, bead bundle, beads, swarovski crystal
Little Bluebird Pin
Tulip Lapel Pin-tulip, lapel, pin, silver, pink, Spring, gift, jewelry, bottlecap, crystal, swarovski, brooch, broach, lapel pin, bottlecap lapel pin, tulip lapel pin, jewelry gift
Tulip Lapel Pin
Polka Dot Blue-badge reel, id reel, medical, gift, blue, black, polka dot, nurse, doctor, hospital, employee, credentials, charm swarovski, crystal, classic, classic medical badge reel, medical id reel with bling, fun badge reel, nurse badge reel
Polka Dot Blue
Heart and Flowers-heart, flowers, necklace spring, summer, wardrobe, pendant, crystal, rhinestone, bling, bead, swarovski, pearl, lucite, flower, ballchain, ball chain, gift, birthday, girl, special, adorable, bottlecap, heart and flowers necklace, bottlecap necklace,
Heart and Flowers
Apples for the Teacher-badge reel, id reel, teacher, apple, educator, red, gift, birthday, crystal, rhinestone, bling, teacher badge reel, cute badge reel, teacher id reel, red, school
Apples for the Teacher
Teacher with Book and Apple-badge reel, id reel, teacher, apple, book, gift, student, birthday, special charm, classic, crystal, school, rhinestone, teacher badge reel, teacher id reel, educator badge reel
Teacher with Book and Apple
Autism Awareness -Spell it Out-autism, awareness, bottlecap, necklace, support, gift, bead, silver, crystal, lucite, green, ribbon, ballchain, gift, puzzle piece, autism awareness, bottlecap necklace, bottlecap gifts, support autism awareness
Autism Awareness -Spell it Out
Personalized Brite Pink and Green Sizzle-retractable badge reel, id reel,badge reel, badgereel, Badge Reel, Retractable Badge Reel, Cute Badge Reel, Fun Badge Reel, personalized, gift, teacher, nurse, medical, education, educator, school, hospital crystal, bling, personalized badgereel, personalized idreel, personalized badge reel, personalized id reel, fun badgereel, fun badge reel, gift idea
Personalized Brite Pink and Green Sizzle
Monkey Cutie-badgereel, idreel, monkey, cute, gift, nurse, teacher, daycare, credentials, cute badgereel, cute badge reel, cute id reel, cute idreel, bing, crystal, gift, school, medical, educator, nurse, pediatrics
Monkey Cutie
Personalized Zebra Stripe 'n Brites-bottlecap, necklace, silver, ballchain, ribbon, green, blue, pink, zebra stripe, personalized, ribbon, beads, lucite, bling, swarovski, crystals, gift, birthday, girls, teens, tweens, bottlecap necklace, personalized bottlecap necklace, personalized gift
Personalized Zebra Stripe 'n Brites
Pink Polka Dot  Lion-Pink, polka dot, retractable, badge reel, id reel, children, medical, nurse, doctor, teacher, school, hospital, clear badge reel
Pink Polka Dot Lion
Initials n' Dragonflys-personalized, dragonfly, pink, brown, retractable, clear, badge, reel, badgereel, id reel, nurse, gift, children, school, hospital, fun, personalized pink dragonfly badgereel, credentials
Initials n' Dragonflys
Personalized Cheetah-badgereel, idreel, cheetah, personalized, nurse, hospital, doctor, gift, fun, bling, crystal, rhinestone, cheetah badgereel, personalized badgereel, fun gifts, nurse gift, id badgereel, retractable badgereel
Personalized Cheetah
RN's Have Heart-heart, red, badge reel, badgereel, idreel, id badge reel, RN, nurse, retractable, Swarovski, crystal, rhinestone, gift, special, medical, crecentials, retractable badge reel, retractable badgereel, retractable id reel, cardiac care, cardiac care nurse
RN's Have Heart
Personalized Brite Pink and Green Sizzle Pins-Personalized, pin, brite, green, pink, bling, crystal, Swarovski, bead, bundle, bling, lucite, gift, accessory, wardrobe, fun, sizzle, clutch back, pin back, personalized pin
Personalized Brite Pink and Green Sizzle Pins
Personalized Bunny Initials-bunny, initial, pink, black, necklace, pendant, child, gift, Easter, Spring, ballchain, beads, bling, Swarovski, rhinestone, pearl, bling, personalized, personalized necklace, bottlecap necklace
Personalized Bunny Initials
Hearts and Flowers Pin-bottlecap, pin, beads, bundle, bling ball, swarovski, crystals, Spring, gift clutch-style, lucite flower, pearl, clutch-back pin, bottlecap pin, lapel pin
Hearts and Flowers Pin
Traditional Medical Symbolism-traditional, badge reel, badgereel, idreel, id reel, black, clear, medical, nurse, doctor, hospital, gift, male badgereel, male id reel,
Traditional Medical Symbolism
2011 Kindergarten Graduate-kindergarten, graduate, gift, achievement, bottlecap, necklace, navy, red, green, ribbon, silver, ballchain, glitter, school, teacher, friend, family, bottlecap necklace, kindergarten graduate, class of 2011, kindergarten graduate gift
2011 Kindergarten Graduate
2011 Preschool Graduate-2011, preschool, graduate, bottlecap, necklace, hat, tassle, painted, hands, year, bottlecap, navy, blue, green, yellow, silver, ballchain, teacher, student, friend, gift, family, achievement,student, 2011 preschool graduate, preschool graduation gift, bottlecap necklace, ribbon necklace, silver ballchain necklace,
2011 Preschool Graduate
World's Greatest Teacher-teacher, gift, retractable, badge reel, id reel, badgereel, idreel, black, red, clear, school, gift, student, retractable badgereel, teacher badgereel, retractable badge reel, teacher badge reel, teacher gift
World's Greatest Teacher
Pretty in Pink-pink, white, badge reel, badgereel, id reel, idreel, retractable, initial, nurse, hospital, school, gift, Swarovski, crystal, rhinestone, retractable, bling, flower, retractable badgereel, retractable badge reel
Pretty in Pink
Personalized Fairy Princess - Great Party Favors!-fairy, princess, party, bottlecap, necklace, personalized, silver, ballchain, gift, birthday, fairy princess necklace, bottlecap necklace, personalized necklace, party favaor necklaces
Personalized Fairy Princess - Great Party Favors!
Personalized Pretty in Pink-pink, bottlecap, necklace, silver, ribbon, ballchain, beads, bead, bundle, Swarovski, crystal, gift, white, personalized, bling, crystal, flower, bottlecap necklace, personalized bottlecap necklace, pink personalized necklace
Personalized Pretty in Pink
Personalized Black and Hot Pink-Hot pink, pink, black, initial, bling, Swarovski, crystal, id reel, badge reel, retractable, personalized, gift,
Personalized Black and Hot Pink
Blue Bauble Personalized Fun-blue, bauble, retractable, badge, reel, id, personalized, crystal, bling, Swarovski, rhinestone, fun, gift, credentials, fun, nurse, teacher, office, conference, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable badgereel, personalized badge reel
Blue Bauble Personalized Fun
Apple Inspiration-retractable, badge reel, badgereel, id, id reel, idreel, red, teacher, apple,inspiration, school, credentials, teacher retractable badge reel, school retractable badge reels, teacher fun badge reels, teacher gifts
Apple Inspiration
Pretty Pink Flowers-retractable, badge, reel, id, badgereel, idreel, flower, Swarovski, crystal, pink, rhinestone, gift, credentials, work, school, hospital, worker, fun, cute, fun retractable badge reel, cute retractable badgereel gift
Pretty Pink Flowers
Pink Bauble Personalized Fun-retractable, badge, reel, fun, id, bauble, personalized, cute, super, Swarovski, crystal, pink, bling, charm, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, fun badge reel, personalized retractable badgereel, personalized retractable badge reel
Pink Bauble Personalized Fun
Personalized Hot Pink Zebra-retractable, badge, reel, zebra, personalized, id, badgereel, idreel, Swarovski, crystal, pink, black, bling, rhinestone, fun, gift, nurse, teacher, credential strap, personalized retractable badgereel, zebra badgereel, fun retractable badge reel, fun personalzied badge reel
Personalized Hot Pink Zebra
American Spirit-American, Spirit, bottlecap, necklace, red, white, blue, independence, fourth of July, holiday, gift
American Spirit
Yankee Doodle 4th of July-Yankee, Doodle, bottlecap, USA, necklace, red, white, blue, gift, independence, fun, celebrate
Yankee Doodle 4th of July
Red, White and Blue Forever!-Red, white, blue, necklace, bottlecap, 4th of July, holiday, patriotic, gift, glitter, bling, spirit of independence, holiday gift, bottlecap necklace
Red, White and Blue Forever!
Nurses are All Heart-retractable, badge, reel, id, heart, nurse, cardiac, red, glitter, gift, hospital, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, cardiac nurse, cardiac nurse gift, nurse gift,
Nurses are All Heart
Inspire-retractable, badge, reel, id, teacher, nurse, red, bling, heart, gift, school, medical, hospital, Swarovski, crystal, rhinestone, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, nurse gift, teacher gift
Summer Daisy Trio-retractable, badge, reel, id, reel, summer, daisy, gift, pastel, pink, credentials, nurse, teacher, hospital, school, work, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, nurse gift, teacher gift, unique gift
Summer Daisy Trio
Little Orange Hoot-Owl-retractable, badge, id, reel, orange, owl, fun, gift, nurse, teacher, fun retractable badge reel, creative retractable badge reel, teacher gift, nurse gift, retractable badge reel gift
Little Orange Hoot-Owl
Purple Peace-retractable, badge, reel, id, bling, glitter, flower, purple, peace sign, nurse, doctor, medical, teacher, healthcare, gift, fun
Purple Peace
I Love My Teacher-retractable, badge, reel, id, teacher, gift, school, Swarovski, crystal, rhinestone, bling, apple, red, gift, fun, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, teacher gift, fun badge reel
I Love My Teacher
Nurses are Angels in Scrubs-retractable, badge, reel, id, nurse, bear, scrubs, gift, Swarovski, crystal, rhinestone, bling, fun, fun retractable badge reel, nurse retractable badge reel, hospital, healthcare, nurse gift
Nurses are Angels in Scrubs
Super RN II-retractable, badge, reel, id, red, rhinestone, bling, nurse, RN, hospital, gift, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, fun badge reel, RN badge reel, nurse gift, medical badge reel
Super RN II
CNA in Brites-retractable, badge, reel, id, CNA, nurse, bling, Swarovski, crystal, rhinestone, fun, gift, nurse, brite, beads, hospital, badge reel, id reel, CNA badge reel, fun badge reel, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, bead bundle
CNA in Brites
$8.00 - $10.00
Blue and Red Flower Power-retractable, badge, reel, id, beads, crystal, Swarovski, bling, pearl, red, blue, flower, nurse, teacher, personalized, gift, office, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable reel, id badge, credentials holder, Swarovski crystal, bling beads, personalized badge reel,
Blue and Red Flower Power
Personalized Bag Bling/Keychain-personalized, bag bling, keychain, bag tag, keyring, fun gift, bead bundle, bling beads, Swarovski crystal, rhinestone, bottlecap charm, personalized bag bling, personalized keyring, personalized keychain, personalized bag tag, fun gift,
Personalized Bag Bling/Keychain
Proud Nurse-retractable, badge, reel, id, bling, glitter, nurse, medical, gift, credential holder, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable badge holder , fun badge reel, fun retractable badge reel, nurse gift
Proud Nurse
Brite Flower RN-retractable, badge, reel, id, glitter, bling, beads, purple, blue, green, nurse, medical, gift, birthday,flower, Swarovski, crystal, graduation, nurses day, fun, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable badge, retractable credentials reel, credentials holder, fun badge reel
Brite Flower RN
Sweet n' Simple Nurse Sentiment-retractable, badge, reel, id, classic, nurse, credentials, Swarovski, crystal, rhinestone, gift, fun, beads, bling, retractable badge reel, fun badge reel, retractable id reel, credentials strap, credentials badge reel, pin, clutch back pin
Sweet n' Simple Nurse Sentiment
$8.00 - $10.00
National Lung Cancer Partnership Lampwork BeadPen II-lampwork, pen, white, beads, rondelles, crystal, rhinestone, Swarovski, donation, charity, gift, National Lung Cancer Partnership, Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer Bead Pen, Exclusive Lung Cancer Bead Pen, Exclusive Bead Pen
National Lung Cancer Partnership Lampwork BeadPen II
National Lung Cancer Partnership Lampwork Bead Pen III-lampwork, bead, pen, white, donation, charity, lung cancer, national, partnership, crystal, rondelle, silver plated, lung cancer lampwork bead pen, exclusive lung cancer pen, lampwork bead pen, lung cancer awareness, limited edition
National Lung Cancer Partnership Lampwork Bead Pen III
National Lung Cancer Partnership Retractable Badge Reels-retractable, badge, reel, id, lung cancer, logo badge reel, credential reel, National Lung Cancer Partnership Retractable Badge Reel, Lung Cancer Badge Reel, Lung Cancer ID Reel, donation for purchase of badge reel,
National Lung Cancer Partnership Retractable Badge Reels
Personalized Polka Dot Pop w/Bead Bundle-personalized, retractable, badge, reel, id, credentials, fun, bling, blue, pink, Swarovski, crystal, rhinestone, gift, beads, monogram, initial, personalized retractable badge reel, retractable id real, retractable id holder
Personalized Polka Dot Pop w/Bead Bundle
Philadelphia Phillies Inspired-retractable, badge, reel, id, reel, credentials, Philadelphia, Phillies, baseball, red, champions, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable badge pull, retractable credentials pull, id badge reel, badge holder, sports, gift, fun badge reel, sports theme, sports badge reel, sports retractable badge reel, baseball badge reel
Philadelphia Phillies Inspired
NY Yankees-retractable, badge, reel, id, credentials, New York, NY, Yankees, baseball, red, gift, badge reel, Yankees badge reel, Yankees gift, baseball theme, coach gift, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, sports badge reel, sports retractable badge reel, fun sports badge reel, sports id reel, baseball badge reel
NY Yankees
Nurse Practitioner in Brites-retractable, badge, reel, id, medical, nurse, nurse practitioner, gift, brite, beads, bling, glitter, hot pink, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, badge holder, id holder, id badge pull, personalized,
Nurse Practitioner in Brites
$8.00 - $10.00
New York Yankees Bag/Keyring Bling-New York Yankees, New York, NY, blue, white, bottlecap, bling, keychain, bag, backpack, Yankee fan gift, Yankees, NY Yankee keychain, NY Yankee fan, Yankee blue and white, beaded keychain, bottlecap keychain, bottlecap bag bling,
New York Yankees Bag/Keyring Bling
Boston Red Sox-Boston, Red Sox, baseball, retractable, badge, reel, Red Sox fan, bottlecap, id reel, retractable id reel, badge pull, id pull, credentials strap, baseball gift, coach, fun badge reel, sports badge reel, sports id reel, baseball badge reel, baseball retractable badge reel
Boston Red Sox
X-Ray Tech/Department-retractable, badge, reel, id, fun, gift, medical, X-ray, tech, credentials, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, fun badge reel, badge reel, id reel, id pull, X-ray tech badge reel, X-ray Tech gift, medical theme, bead bundle badge reel,
X-Ray Tech/Department
$8.00 - $10.00
Personalized Hot Pink and Zebra Print-retractable, badge reel, id reel, id pull, personalized, pink, zebra print, Swarovski crystal, Swarovski rhinestone, pin, jewelry, personalized gift, fun badge reel, personalized badge reel, medical, business, gifts, fun gifts
Personalized Hot Pink and Zebra Print
$8.00 - $10.00
National Lung Cancer Partnership Awareness Pen-pen, bead pen, beadpen, lampwork, Swarovski, white pen, metal pen, silver charms, crystal rondelles, rondelle beads, National Lung Cander Partnership Awareness Pen, donation, gift, Lung Cancer Awareness gift, Lampwork bead pen, Swarovski crystal pen, awareness pen, awareness gift, Lung Cancer awareness
National Lung Cancer Partnership Awareness Pen
Betty Boop-Betty Boop, bottlecap, necklace, silver, ballchain, bead bundle, beads, red, white, blue, bling beads, jewelry, bottlecap jewelry, bottlecap necklace, Betty Boop bottlecap necklace, Betty Boop necklace, silver ballchain necklace, patriotic Betty Boop necklace, gift, birthday gift, Betty Boop gift, bottlecap necklace gift
Betty Boop
Little Green Hoot Owl-retractable, badge, reel, id, reel, beads, bling beads, lucite beads, crystal beads, lucite flower beads, acrylic beads, bead bundle, id pull, credentials holder, credentials strap, owl badge reel, owl theme, owl id reel, owl retractable badge reel, fun badge reels, fun retractable badge reels, bottlecap badge reel, bottlecap id reel, bottlecap id pull, beaded badge reel, beaded retractable badge reel, cute badge reel gift, fun badge reel gift, teacher gift, colleague gift, office gift, medical gift
Little Green Hoot Owl
Personalized Pink and Green Pop-retractable, badge, reel, id,lucite beads, acrylic beads, crystal beads, resin beads, beads, credentials, personalized, bottlecap, alphabet, pink, green, initial, medical, teacher, conference, office, fun badge reel, fun personaized badge reel, name pull, retractable badge reel, personalized badge reel, personalized id reel, personalized id holder, bright pink and green badge reel
Personalized Pink and Green Pop
Baltimore Orioles Inspired-retractable, badge, reel, id, credentials, credentials holder, sports, sports theme, Baltimore sports,
Orioles, baseball, baseball theme, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, retractable id pull, sports badge reel, baseball badge reel, Baltimore badge reel, Baltimore Orioles retractable badge reel, Baltimore Orioles Retractable ID reel, Baltimore Orioles retractable badge holder, sports gift, baseball gift, nurse gift, teacher gift, office gift, fun badge reels, cute badge reels
Baltimore Orioles Inspired
Military Camo Princess-necklace, jewelry, bottlecap, military, Army, princess, camo, necklace,  ribbon, ball chain, pendant, military princess necklace, bottlecap necklace, military camo necklace, military camo ribbon necklace
military princess with silver ball chain necklace, military gift, camo gift, jewelry gift, military jewelry, fun bottlecap necklace, fun bottlecap jewelry, bottlecap necklace, bottlecap jewelry
Military Camo Princess
Autism Awareness-retractable, badge, reel, id, credentials, Autism, Awareness, beads, beaded, bling, retractable badge reels, fun badge reels, retractable id reels, retractable id holder, id holder, badge reels, awareness retractable badge reels, awareness id reels, awareness badge reels, awareness badge holders, Autism Awareness badge reels, Autism Awareness id holders, Autism Awareness, beaded badge reels, beaded retractable badge reels, bling beads, acrylic beads, medical theme, teachers, nurses, doctors, medical gifts
Autism Awareness
$8.00 - $10.00
Pretty Pink w/Green Hoot Owl-retractable, badge, reel, id, credentials, owl, pink, flower, lucite, retractable badge reel, fun badge reel, owl retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, owl themed gift, cute retractable badge reel, cute badge reel, cute id holder, owl id holder, nurse gift, teacher gift, office worker gift
Pretty Pink w/Green Hoot Owl
Halloween "Boo"-retractable, badge, reel, id, reel, Halloween, Halloween badge reel, Halloween theme, Fall badge reel, holiday badge reel, fun badge reels, Halloween id holders, credentials holder, retractable badge reel, retractable badge holder, retractable id holder, unique badge reels, Halloween gift, Fall gift, nurse gift, teacher gift, office worker gift
Halloween "Boo"
Air Force, Marine and Navy Princess Pendants-bottlecap necklace, military necklace, air force, marines, navy, red, white, blue, silver ball chain, red ribbon necklace, blue ribbon necklace, military princess necklace, air force necklace, marine necklace, navy necklace, military princess necklace, military bottlecap necklace, fun bottlecap necklace, bottlecap necklace gift, teen gift, tween gift, teen necklace, tween necklace
Air Force, Marine and Navy Princess Pendants
Think Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness-bottlecap, pin, breast cancer, awareness, think pink, bottlecap pin, breast cancer pin, awareness pin, beaded pin, women's awareness pin, breast cancer awareness pin, bottlecap pin, bottlecap jewelry
Think Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
Ghostly Halloween Boo Reel-Halloween, retractable, badge, reel, id, holder, ghost, beaded, beads, bottlecap, glitter, resin seal, retractable badge reels, retractable id reels, retractable id holder, Halloween badge reels, Halloween id reels, Halloween badge holders, ghost badge reels, beaded badge reels, badge reels with beads, Halloween gift, teacher gift, nurse gift, holiday gifts
Ghostly Halloween Boo Reel
Hope for Breast Cancer Awareness-retractable, badge, id, reel, breast cancer, pink, bottlecap, Swarovski, crystal, rhinestone, awareness, retractable badge reels, retractable id reels, retractable badge holders, breast cancer awareness badge reels, cancer awareness badge reels, pink ribbon badge reels, bottle badge reels, awareness gifts, survivor gift, teacher gift, nurse gift
Hope for Breast Cancer Awareness
Fall/Halloween Pumpkin with Spider-retractable, badge, reel, id, credentials, Fall, Halloween, pumpkin, spider, bottlecap, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, badge reels, id reels, id holders, credentials holder, Fall retractable badge reel, Fall retractable id reel, Fall badge reels, Fall id reels, Halloween retractable badge reels, Halloween retractable id reels, Halloween badge reels, Halloween id reels, holiday badge reels, holiday id reels, nurse badge reels, nurse id reels, teacher badge reels, teacher id reels, office badge reels, office id reels, fun badge reels, fun id reels, fun retractable badge reels, custom badge reels
Fall/Halloween Pumpkin with Spider
Pink Ribbon & Butterfly Breast Cancer Awareness-retractable, badge, reel, id, credentials, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, retractable credentials holder, Breast Cancer Awareness, Awareness retractable badge reel, Awareness badge reels, Awareness id reels, Awareness id holders, Breast Cancer badge reels, Breast Cancer id reels, Breast Cancer id reel, badge reels, id reels, id holders, credentials holders, Awareness gifts, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, office badge reels, fun badge reels, unique badge reels, custom badge reels, bottlecap badge reels, bottlecap id reels
Pink Ribbon & Butterfly Breast Cancer Awareness
Shabby Chic Inspired Rose-retractable, badge, id, holder, credentials, rose, vintage, shabby chic, victorian, flower, retractable badge reels, retractable id reels, retractable id holder, Shabby Chic badge reels, Victorian badge reels, Shabby Chic id reels, Victorian id reels, Vintage id reels, Vintage badge reels, flower badge reels, flower id reels, fun badge reels, custom badge reels, unique badge reels, unique id reels, fun id reels, custom id reels, nurse gifts, teacher gifts, office worker gifts, corporate gifts
Shabby Chic Inspired Rose
Black Cat Halloween Necklace with Beads-necklace, bottlecap, cat, black cat, Halloween, orange, beaded, bottlecap necklace, Halloween necklace, black cat necklace, beaded Halloween necklace, spider necklace, handmade necklace, custom necklace, unique necklace, holiday necklace, kids necklace, kids jewelry, fun necklaces, unique necklaces, bling beads, acrylic beads, Halloween gift
Black Cat Halloween Necklace with Beads
Brite Pink and Green Posie-retractable, badge, reel, id, credentials, posie, brite, pink, green, fun, beads, bling, crystal, lucite, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, badge reel, id reel, credentials holder, id holder, fun badge reel, beaded badge reel, beaded id reel, beaded id holder, crystal beads, bling beads, lucite beads, unique badge reels, fun badge reels, fun id reels, nurse gifts, nurse badge reels, nurse id reels, teacher gifts, teacher badge reels, teacher id reels, office gifts
Brite Pink and Green Posie
Classic Black Scottish Terrier-retractable, badge, reel, id, credentials, badge reel, id reel, credentials holder, id holder, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, Swarovski crystal, rhinestones, nurse badge reel, teacher badge reel, office badge reel, nurse gift, teacher gift, office worker gift, fun badge reels, fun id reels, bottlecap badge reels, unique badge reels
Classic Black Scottish Terrier
RN or CNA in Brite Green-retractable, badge, reel, id, holder, credentials, lanyard, id reel, badge reel, id holder, credentials holder, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, retractabble credentials holder, RN badge reel, CNA badge reel, nurse badge reels, Swarovski crystal rhinestone badge reels, nurse gift, medical gift, medical badge reel, medical id reel, fun badge reel, fun id reel, unique badge reel, bottlecap badge reel
RN or CNA in Brite Green
Pink n' Blue Posie-retractable, badge, reel, id, holder, credentials, flower, posie, blue, green, brown, beads, badge reel, id reel, id holder, credential holder, fun badge reel, fun id reel, beaded badge reel, beaded id reel, beaded credentials holder, flower credenital holder, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, nurse badge reel, teacher badge reel, office badge reel, badge reel gifts, id reel gifts, bottlecap badge reels
Pink n' Blue Posie
Personalized Baby Due Month-retractable, badge, reel, id, baby, due, gift, personalized, pink, blue, pin, beads, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, badge reel, id reel, id holder, personalized badge reel, personalized id reel, baby due date badge reel, baby due month id reel, baby due month pin, personalized baby due month pin, personalized baby due month badge reel, beaded badge reel, beaded id reel, beaded pins, baby gift, new baby gift, expecting Mommy gift
Personalized Baby Due Month
$9.00 - $10.00
White with Black Damask-retractable, badge, reel, id, holder, damask, black, white, beads, flower, rhinestones, bling beads, silver, findings, dimensional, fun, unique, gift, nurse, office, school, teacher, hospital, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, dimensional badge reel, damask badge reel, beaded badge reel, fun badge reels, unique badge reels, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, office badge reels, unique id reels, unique id holders, victorian badge reel, shabby chic badge reel
White with Black Damask
Tiny Bubbles-retractable, badge, reel, id, reel, credentials, holder, teacher, office, school, nurse, hospital, pink, black, silver, beads, flower, fun, unique, original, retractable id reel, retractable badge reel, fun badge reel, fun id reel, unique badge reel, unique id reel, unique gift, office gift, nurse gift, teacher gift, beaded badge reels, dimensional badge reels
Tiny Bubbles
Pink and Purple Posie-retractable, posie, flower, unique, fun, charming, badge, reel, id, badge reel, id reel, badge pull, id pull, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable badge pull, flower badge reel, posie badge reel, unique badge reel, fun badge reel, nurse badge reel, teacher badge reel, office badge reel, unique gift, fun gift
Pink and Purple Posie
White with Pink Damask-retractable, badge, id, holder, reel, pull, classic, shabby chic, unique, designer, damask, pink, beaded, retractable badges, retractable ids, retractable pulls, retractable badge reels, retractable id reels, retractable badge pulls, fun badge reels, unique badge reels, damask badge reels, designer badge reels, beaded badge reels, nurse badge reels, office badge reels, teacher badge reels, gifts, nurse gifts, teacher gifts, office gift, beaded gifts, specialty gifts
White with Pink Damask
Pretty Paisley-retractable, badge, id, reel, paisley, designer, unique, fun, fashion, blue, green, badge reel, id reels, id pulls, badge holder, id holder, id pull, retractable badge reels, retractable id reels, retractable badge pulls, retractable id pulls, unique badge reels, fun badge reels, designer badge reels, paisley badge reels, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, classic badge reels, office badge reels, beaded badge reels
Pretty Paisley
A Passion for Purple-retractable, id, reel, badge, holder, credentials, badge pull, badge reel, badge holder, id pull, id reels, id holders, retractable badge reels, retractable id reels, retractable badge pulls, retractable id pulls, designer badge reels, fun badge reels, classy badge reels, unique badge reels, paisley badge reels, purple badge reels, beaded badge reels, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, office badge reels, designer id reels, id reel gifts, badge reels gifts
A Passion for Purple
Chocolate Brown with Flower Sprinkles-retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, badge reels, id reels, id pulls, badge holders, beaded badge reels, fun badge reel, flower badge reels, badge reel gifts, unique badge reels, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, educational gift, educational badge reels, office badge reels, conference badge reels, designer badge reels
Chocolate Brown with Flower Sprinkles
Occupational Therapit-retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable badge holder, badge reels, id reels, id holders, id pulls, badge pulls, Occupational Therapy, Occupation Therapy gifts, fun badge reels, unique badge reels, designer badge reels, medical badge reels, badge reel gifts
Occupational Therapit
Pink and Green Paisley-retractable, badge reel, id reel, id holder, badge holder, badge pull, id pull, paisley, unique, fun, colorful, beads, handmade, 3-dimensional, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable badge pull, id badge reel, unique badge reels, designer badge reels, fun badge reels, nurse badge reels, teacher badge reels, office badge reels, fun badge reels, medical badge reels,
Pink and Green Paisley
Love 2 Teach-retractable, badge, reel, id, teacher, brights, apple, pink, black green, yellow, beads, acrylic, rhinestone, crystal, fun, unique, creative, handmade, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, badge reel, id reel, id holder, credential holder, fun badge reel, fun id reel, fun id pull, retractable id pull, beaded badge reels, beaded id pulls, beaded id reels, teacher id badges, teacher id reels, teacher id pulls, handmade badge reels, handmade id pulls, conference id reels, conference id pulls, conference badge reels, educator badge reels, educater id reels, educatior id pulls, teacher gift, educator gift, school gift, fun teacher gift, apple badge reel, apple id reels, apple id pulls
Love 2 Teach
Personalized Brites-retractable, id, reel, badge, personalized, beaded, bling, fun, zebra, cigar band, beads, retractable id, retractable badge, retractable holder, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable badge holder, id reel, badge reels, badge holders, fun badge reels, unique badge reels, personalized badge reels, beaded badge reels, hot badge reels, personalized id reels, designer id reels, personalized id holder, nurse, teached, office, medical, education, business
Personalized Brites
Brite Green with Hot Pink Hoot Owl-retractable, badge, reel, id, owl, nurse, medical, doctor, office, teacher, gift, beads, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id pull, retractable id holder, owl badge reel, owl id reel, owl id pull, nurse gift, teacher gift, office worker, office id pull, unique badge reels, fun badge reels
Brite Green with Hot Pink Hoot Owl
Support for Breast Feeding-retractable, badge, reel, id, credentials, nurse, doctor, medical, breastfeeding, nursing, baby, teacher, education, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, breastfeeding id reel, breast feeding, breastfeeding awareness, breastfeeding advocate, nursing advocate badge reel, mother baby, nursing mother gift
Support for Breast Feeding
Phillies Gone Girly-retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, badge reels, id reels, badge holder, baseball team, Phillies, beaded badge reel, sports badge reel, girly badge reels, nurse, office worker, teacher, education, gifts, badge pull, id pull, unique badge reels,beaded badge reels, fun badge reels
Phillies Gone Girly
Big Eyed Hoot Owl on Blue-retractable, badge, id, owl, beads, bottlecap, reel, badge reel, id reel, badge holder, id holder, id badge reel, badge reel lanyard, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, owl badge reel, beaded badge reel, teacher gift, nurse gift, office gift, unique badge reel, fun badge reels
Big Eyed Hoot Owl on Blue
Personalized Pop of Colour-retractable, badge, reel, id, monogram, personalized, beaded, beads, rhinestone, acrylic flower, badge reels, id reels, id holders, retractable badge reel, monogrammed badge reel, personalized badge reel, beaded badge reel, unique badge reel, designer badge reel, id badge reel badge holder badge reel gifts badge reel lanyard, nurse badge reel, teacher badge reel, office badge reel, unique badge reels, fun badge reels
Personalized Pop of Colour
Lovin' That Lavender-retractable, badge, reel, id, flower, lavender, beads, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id holder, id badge reel, badge reels, badge reel lanyard, flower badge reel, beaded badge reel, designer badge reel, unique badge reel, fun badge reel, badge reel gifts, handcrafted badge reels, made in the USA, nurse badge reel, office badge reel, teacher badge reel
Lovin' That Lavender
Love Me Some Ladybugs-retractable, badge, reel, id, holder, ladybug, beads, badge reel, id reel, id badge reel, ladybug badge reel, fun badge reel, unique badge reel, badge reel lanyard, badge reel gifts, badge holder, nurse badge reel, office badge reel, teacher badge reel, fun badge reel, unique badge reels
Love Me Some Ladybugs
Pink Moo Cow-retractable, badge, reel, id, holder, lanyard, nurse, teacher, office, staff, gift, fun, unique, cow, beads, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, pink cow id badge reel, beaded badge id reel lanyard, fun id reel, fun badge reels, unique badge reels, badge reel lanyard, badge reel id lanyard gifts, nurse gifts, teacher gifts, happy gifts, stocking stuffers, friendship gift
Pink Moo Cow
A Passion for Peacocks-retractable, badge, reel, id, peacock, flower, rhinestone, ebroidered, purple, green, classic, classy, soft, retractable badge reel, retractable id reel, retractable id clip, badge reel lanyard, peacock badge reel, peacock id pull, unique badge reels, designer badge reels, fun id reels, cute badge pulls, nurse gift, teacher gift, office gift, badge reel gifts
A Passion for Peacocks
Sunflower Badge Reel-Sunflower Badge Reel - Bling Badge Reel - Badge Reel Jewelry - Badge Reel - ID Badge Reel - Badge Reel Gifts - Cute Badge Reels - Sunflower Gifts
Sunflower Badge Reel
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